Has anyone seen Squaring the Circle on NETFLIX

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Has anyone seen Squaring the Circle on NETFLIX

It’s the story of British Record sleeve designers “ Hipgnosis “ Storm and Powell

Worth seeing how photography and designers worked before PS and Facebook etc….

Coincidently several of the album covers they designed were in my record collection ( somewhere ) eg Peter Gabriel, Wings and Pink Floyd, 10cc,
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Re: Has anyone seen Squaring the Circle on NETFLIX

Chris Sawyer
Thanks - just started watching it.  Really good.

Bit of a hippy were you Barrie?

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Re: Has anyone seen Squaring the Circle on NETFLIX

Mrs thinks I still am but stopped at LSD unlike these guys in the show
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Re: Has anyone seen Squaring the Circle on NETFLIX

In reply to this post by Bazza
Just watched it as a result of reading this thread. I loved the way the documentary was made with the interviewees in B&W whilst the historical images and film were in colour. Stylistically it reminds me of Powell & Pressberger's iconic film 'A Matter of Life & Death', in reverse.

I could relate to the darkroom scenes: having to individually burn & dodge prints under the enlarger (in my case using my hand & fingers) and layering different images, cutting them, pasting a collage then copying that image with a copy lens (widest aperture for minimal depth of field) on my trusty Mamiya C330f TLR (with paramender to correct parallax when doing close-up images). I still have the TLR & Paramender. Ansel Adams' Zone System was applied from the taking to the printing of a b&w image.

Beautifully made & informative. I remember some of the record covers from 35 years ago, although my record collection is predominantly classical music.

Thanks for making it known.