I'm writing to see if there are any volunteers who could help with digital evenings?
Basically, we need members to help out with operating the laptop/projector/software when required.
There are too many evening now where we require the digital equipment and it is a struggle for one person to committ to doing all this alone.
I would very much like a couple of folks to help out with:
1) Running the PDI evenings, e.g. Favourite picture. Evening when members bring in images on a memory stick or email in advance and we show internally. We would either use DiCentra or Irfan View for this.
2) Secondly I would very much like other members to be able to prepare and run official PDI competitions, using DiCentra and be able to operate the whole thing for the competition. If for some reason I can't make it, we need a couple of members to be able to step in.
I would ideally want to start slowing phasing in a couple of "helpers" for the rest of this season and then next season, split up the responsibility or have a plan on who could certain evening (possibly draw up a schedul
Does this sound like something you're up for?
Thanks to Neville Secular who has already to agreed to help. We now need at least another volunteer please.
If you have any questions please post below, or if you would like a separate private conversation about this, please email orpingtonps@gmail.com
PS: It is not an excuse to say that you only use MAC!!!