How to avoid refelctions when taking photos through a window

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How to avoid refelctions when taking photos through a window

Malcolm Ming
Here's one way.
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Re: How to avoid refelctions when taking photos through a window

Chris Sawyer
I assume this is Barrie - if not, he has a doppelganger.  I hope he cut a hole in the felt before taking the picture!  I'm intrigued by the machine next to the photographer - it looks like a treadmill that takes a credit card. I am trying to guess the location - I can see Tower Bridge in the bottom right, but it does not seem to be far enough away or far enough down to have been taken from the Shard.  There are some offices on the river near City Hall, but how did you get into them.  Sorry for deviating away from the photographic aspects of your post.  Chris
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Re: How to avoid refelctions when taking photos through a window

Alan Graham
I don't think it has anything to do with stopping reflections.

I think it's to prevent vertigo...
Click.... Blank....
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Re: How to avoid refelctions when taking photos through a window

Brian K
In reply to this post by Malcolm Ming
Rubber lens hoods work surprisingly well also.