How to recieve email notifications of forum posts

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How to recieve email notifications of forum posts

Malcolm Ming
A few members have asked if they can get emails of new topics and posts on the forum.

You will have to do this when you log into the forum individually.

From the main menu, click on the "options" (gear icon) on the top left of the page.
Choose - Subscribe via email
Choose if you want to to recieve email notification for any posts on the form or new topics only
Subscription format - Choose - Individual emails
Click "save subscriptons".

You should now get emails for either new posts or new topics (whichever you have chosen)
You should also be able to reply to posts via email as well, but I never use this function, I go into the form itself to reply.

I hope this helps.

For info, there is no way to automate this centrally for all because of spam protection etc  It is a function that needs to be individually activated.