Imac 21.5 inch for sale to include 16gb Ipad2

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Imac 21.5 inch for sale to include 16gb Ipad2

Received the below email from one of my golfing buddies who's updating his Imac and thought someone with a Photographic hobby maybe interested in a competitivley priced offering :-


Hi Barrie.
Before I put it up on Ebay, would any of your photographic chums be interested in a 21.5” iMac?
It’s late 2009, 3.06ghz, 4gb RAM, 500gb HD, DVD/RW, wireless mouse/keyboard. All in fine working order!
For £200, I’ll throw in a 16gb iPad2....

He's also confirmed the High Sierra OS has been upgraded for this model

If anyone interested, suggest you reply via myself on Forum where I can pass contact details to organise direct.