Important Notification for Additional Training outside Club Nights

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Re: Important Notification for Additional Training outside Club Nights

Dave Jackson
Barry, happy to bring laptop (mac) along - I have Adobe CC installed if that helps.

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Re: Important Notification for Additional Training outside Club Nights

Great we can use this alongside new club laptop that's loaded with same software
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Re: Important Notification for Additional Training outside Club Nights

In reply to this post by Bazza
We have 8-9 wishing to attend theses sessions that includes 2-3 presenters.

DB will be checking availability at Rugby Club for 10th Sept in the evening from 7.30
If this date is unavailable or unsuitable the second date would be 17th Sept.

While we are agreeing dates and attendees I have been chatting with some presenters to consider subject matter and ideas for ongoing agendas.

1/ the first idea was to allow several presenters to run through their own method of post processing, as each has a different approach using LR and/or PS

2/ Richard would be willing to go from start to finish on his MeKong River image

3/ David would provide a review of his process on preparing hand cutting mount boards and cropping of images and Pdis

4/ Barrie would discuss the use external plug-ins and how they can be used to increase creativity

5/ Peter has offered to prepare a presentation to be agreed depending upon attendees requirements on knowledge

The above should provide 30-60 minute sessions over the next 5 months and we can continue to build new content once feedback provided by attendees.

Please forward your ideas plus whether your keen to participate in sessions presenting or listening

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Re: Important Notification for Additional Training outside Club Nights

Bob Mabberley
These Subject ideas look ideal and extremely useful. I have signed on for a Photoshop beginners evening course so these sessions will compliment that nicely,