Instructions for My Favourite Images 13/14

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Instructions for My Favourite Images 13/14

Orpington Photo Society
Hi all,
If you are preparing images for next week's Society meeting,

Subject - My favourite images from 2013/14.  

Suggestion -You can show your competition images and comment on why you chose them and why you like them (opportunity to counter judges comments) or you can show your images that you like, but would never show in competition. These are just suggestions, it's entirely up to you.

Please can you:
- Try limit by choosing images from 2013-2014 only.  If you are really struggling then fine, go back a bit.
- Bring images on a memory stick
- Up to 6 images  (if you feel adventurous, you can bring up to 10 and if we have time we will show them)
- resolution 1400 X 1050 as per the normal PDI rules
- No need to name them unless you want to
- Please put them in a folder with your name as the title of the folder.  It makes it easier to transfer to the laptop.
- Have something to say about each image.  We want to know why it's your favourite.

Thanks all.

PS for newer members, this will be good practice for preparing images for PDI competitions which are due in on 4th Nov, so see the rules and the info on preparing imaged for PDI on the download section of the website.  Here.