Interest in an outing to Brick Lane?

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Interest in an outing to Brick Lane?

Ian Stedman

Listening to the comments last Tuesday, who would be interested in an outing to the Brick Lane area, to take in the street art and street photography?

If you like Indian food, there are some great places for lunch too.

I'm thinking April to June time, in daylight for this. Vote below.
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Re: Interest in an outing to Brick Lane?

Ian Stedman

My plan to add another poll to the first post did not work. Here is my first guess of some possible dates.


Saturday 18th May.
Saturday 25th May.


The plan would be to start outside Aldgate East station on the District line. Perhaps we meet at London Bridge and travel from there. Start at 10:30AM?

I have backup dates for September

What to expect

The route:

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Re: Interest in an outing to Brick Lane?

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Okay for both dates at moment
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Re: Interest in an outing to Brick Lane?

Chris Sawyer
I am OK for both dates as well.
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Re: Interest in an outing to Brick Lane?

George K-B
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
I currently can only do the Saturday 18th May. I'm working the following Saturday
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Re: Interest in an outing to Brick Lane?

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
I can do both dates at the moment
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Re: Interest in an outing to Brick Lane?

Ian Stedman

Let's try for Saturday 18th May as our first option. There's no planned engineering works, just need to check the weather nearer to the time.

Will post further details later on.
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Re: Interest in an outing to Brick Lane?

Ian Stedman

Revised route if google maps trickery works.

There's a photo exhibition at the end of Brick Lane, in a cafe, might be worth a look, so I've added it.

Who is attending?
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Re: Interest in an outing to Brick Lane?

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Looking good for visit if still 18th as away to Paris on 19th

Where we initially meeting up and timing otherwise all great
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Re: Interest in an outing to Brick Lane?

Chris Sawyer
I'm coming along - Google maps route looks good.