Internal Competition Rules 2016-17

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Internal Competition Rules 2016-17

Chris Sawyer
The Internal Competition Rules 2016-17 have been posted to the website in the "Members Area (Downloads and Info)".

The main changes from last season are:

Paragraph 21: Projected Digital Images (PDIs) must be supplied when entering print competitions.

Paragraphs 30 to 34: Covering the new 'Image of the Year Competitions' to be held at the end of the season for the first time in March/April 2017.

Paragraphs 35 to 35: Covering the Annual Exhibition.

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Re: Internal Competition Rules 2016-17

Chris Sawyer
The Internal Competition Rules 2016/17 have been revised.  

There have been some minor changes to the Image of the Year Competitions (Paras 30-33) and the Annual Exhibition (Paras 34-35) .

The Image of the Year Finals will be held in successive weeks on 28/3 (PDIs), 4/4 (Colour Prints) and 11/4 (Mono prints), so please take some time to study these rules.

The revised rules are attached here and will be posted on the website in the Members Area (Download & Info) in due course:
