Below you should find a link to a YouTube site from a guy named Greg Benz.
He’s a specialist on the new HDR including the recently added button in the develop module page of LRC (NB importantly it’s nothing like the original HDR where several + & - images were taken before merging)
This version takes advantage of new technology on certain desk top displays such as iPhones plus Instagram - ( the latter being the preferred version to test the results )
As I understand it - backlit LCD displays (iMac) and new phones have the ability to make white pixels even brighter than using the whitest of white paper, giving images a fantastic extra glow to very bright objects that would normally be blown out in traditional display equipment.
When clicking the HDR tab with a RAW file, LRC automatically converts the file to use the maximum amount of light data in the RAW pixel file, as most screens will not be able to display this change unless using modern compatible mobile phone or expensive desktop screen - ADOBE in LRC have given another section to amend results for viewing a near enough compatible version of the HDR results after convertion.
Suggest you have a view of the presentation and check Greg Benz website or Instagram site, he feels that in very near future this will be the standard method of displaying images but not for printing.
I have tested a few images and will add these to my Instagram page in due course.
Sorry to make this a little too complex