Jane Goodall talk

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Jane Goodall talk

Last week I listened to an excellent talk by Jane Goodall.  The talked was hosted by RPS Midlands.  Stewart Wall recorded the talk and gave permission to share.  Jane talked about her photography and gave some good practical tips.  She addressed a question raised by David Barnes - “what do you do with your photographs?  Jane suggested that we should move beyond entering images just for club competition.  She recommended using our images to make books, cards, large prints etc.

Anyway here is the recording, click on the link

Hi all,

To those who made it, wasn't a great talk.

The recording is online at https://youtu.be/GP0zaXZ6pRo

Please share it with your friends



Stewart Wall MA ARPS PGCE
Photography, Design and Computer Skills Teacher / Lecturer : Documentary Photographer
Royal Photographic Society Distinctions Panel Member / Regional Organiser East Midlands