We are pleased to announce that Jo Johnson MP has selected 'Frosty the Robin' by OPS member Alan Graham LRPS as the winning entry for his official Christmas card.
Had a sneaking suspicion the first option (see previous post) wasn't going to be entered...
Well done to Alan for having his image selected for the Christmas card. Good to see he's left plenty of room in the top left corner for Christmas greetings, etc....
Thank you Chris. Well spotted about the negative space. It is important in these sort of competitions to follow the brief. Leaving room for headings, logos etc is just as important than the image content itself. I have asked his office to mention OPS with my name but if not on the card at least on any publicity they do for it.
I would encourage all members to have a go at these local competitions when they come along.
On 15 Nov 2017, at 11:56, Chris Sawyer [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Well done to Alan for having his image selected for the Christmas card. Good to see he's left plenty of room in the top left corner for Christmas greetings, etc....
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I got my Christmas card from Jo Johnson this morning, plus a few extras. As promised he gave the OPS a mention. Nothing like having a mail-shot of 300+ adverts being sent out.