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Richard W
This an exact copy, bad grammar and all, of somebody (names excluded, club and judge unknown) having a right old moan but does he have a point in some of his gripes??????? A good debate……..read on:-

This is just my opinion.
Don't know what I just witnessed tonight at the club tonight. Judge was awful remember my opinion "depth of field" go and learn it. Not every macro needs to be stacked just saying, shooting into the sun you get a silhouette. How do you get detail out when it's a black black silhouette. High ISO and speed of shutter to get frozen movement your going to get grain in the image. Movement of a flying animal it's not going to be pin sharp at the ends of the wings when you concentrate on the eyes and beak. Slow shutter speeds milky waterfall water but the water in the bottom part is not sharp. It's not going to be it's a slow shutter speed just had a milky waterfall. Bathing starling by top photographer in the club where was the upside down bird no one seen it high iOS and fast shutter not sharp enough. He was seeing thing that were not there didn't bother me with my scores never does but he did not complement the good judges in the area. An awful night tonight.
Remember my opinion.