KCPA Annual Print & PDI exhibition 2016

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KCPA Annual Print & PDI exhibition 2016

David Barnes

From the KCPA:

 February 2016

Dear Club members
The KCPA would like to invite you to enter the Annual Print & PDI Exhibition 2016.
If you entered the exhibition last year, you will automatically receive an invite to enter via email later today.
However, if you did not enter in 2015 please go to the KCPA website for further information.
Details are also contained for your convenience in the pdf attached.

Please if you have any questions feel free to email me or contact me on 07966298607

Kind Regards
Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS

Exhibition Coordinator
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Re: KCPA Annual Print & PDI exhibition 2016

David Barnes
From the KCPA

The selection of the Annual KCPA exhibition images will for the 2nd time be open for viewing by club

members, if you are interested in attending on either The PDI afternoon on Saturday 2nd April or Print

Day on Sunday 3rd April, click here to purchase a ticket!


Do act quickly as tickets have already gone on sale and will be limited to 50 each day. Once this number

of ticket sales is reached the link will be taken down.


Even if you have not entered this year’s KCPA Exhibition do come along , it still makes an interesting event to

attend and see the selection taking place. Tickets have been reduced to £2.50 this year so we hope to see

more of you coming along to watch this event.


Prints that are not selected can be collected from myself at 6 Cook Close. Lordswood, Chatham, Kent, ME5 8LU

after 11th April, you can arrange to collect them by emailing competitions@kcpa.co.uk your club representatives

normally collect them on your behalf, so do check with your club beforehand.


The selected images will form the Exhibition, to be hung in the Upper Gallery at Creek Creative, from

19th April to 1st May. (Not open on Mondays).


The Presentation evening & showing of the PDI images is on Saturday 23rd April 6.30pm – 10.00pm in the

Upstairs Gallery, Creek Creative.


 If you have entered the exhibition do try and keep the presentation evening free in case you are invited to

come along to receive an award.


The KCPA wishes to thank all of you that have entered the exhibition, and hope to see lots of you at the

selection weekend, do book your ticket now if you have not already done so.