The following reminder has been sent out by the KCPADear Club member.
Just a reminder that The KCPA Audio Visual competition will take place on 12th October 2019 @
Leybourne Village Hall. Little Market Row, Leybourne, West Malling ME19 5QL
Enter the main door, and go straight ahead into the main hall.
The event looks set to be a good opportunity for viewers to come along and see the work of
this year’s entrants, plus a chance to mix with other club members.
If you haven’t already booked to attend you can still do so. Fill out the
Cost : Non-participants will be charged £7.50 to attend the event.
Payment can be made using PayPal by following the instructions on the form.
Alternatively come along and pay for your entry on the day.
Doors open at 12 o’clock.
Schedule of the day’s events.
12.00 Doors Open. Raffle tickets on sale.
12.30 Welcome and introduction
12.40–1.40 SESSION 1
1.40–2.20 Break in Main Hall (Bring a packed lunch)
2.20–3.20 SESSION 2
3.20 -3.35 Refreshment Break
3.35 – 4.35 SESSION 3
4.35 – 4.50 Refreshment Break
4.50 – 5.50 SESSION 4
5.50 – 6.10 Refreshment Break
6.10 – 6.50 Results and Presentations
We expect the event to run until 18.50 so please bring a packed lunch with you.
We look forward to welcoming you to this event on Saturday. If you have any questions beforehand
please let me know.
Kind Regards
Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS BPE1*
KCPA President & Competition Coordinator