KCPA Diamond Jubilee PDI Comp - Today (22/2/20) at 2pm

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KCPA Diamond Jubilee PDI Comp - Today (22/2/20) at 2pm

Chris Sawyer
There is a competition today for which the club has entered 8 PDIs:

Final Reminder - KCPA DIAMOND JUBILEE 22nd Feb

Dear Club Member

KCPA Diamond Jubilee Trophy 2020.
The KCPA hope you will join us on Saturday 22nd February at Ditton Community Centre. Kiln Barn
Road. Aylesford, Kent. ME20 6AH for the KCPA Diamond Jubilee Trophy 2020.
Doors open at 2pm. Entry price £3.50.
Come along and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and a chance to mix with other fellow photographers,
before viewing  slideshow of all the images entered by KCPA affiliated clubs into the KCPA
Diamond Jubilee trophy competition via a slideshow.
Our judge Leo Rich will then comment on 1 image per club, before going onto comment on the
Merit award winners and The Premier Award & Ashford P.S Shield Best image.
KCPA clubs have the opportunity to win The Most Improved Club trophy, or The KCPA Diamond
Jubilee trophy, why not come along and see which clubs wins this year’s competition!
I very much look forward to seeing many of our club members at this prestigious KCPA PDI event.
Kind regards.
Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS BPE2*
KCPA President & Competition Coordinator