KCPA News Group

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KCPA News Group

Orpington Photo Society
From: MaWibbley@yahoo.co.uk
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 09:33:18 +0100
Subject: KCPA News Group
To: sec@parkwoodcameraclub.co.uk

Morning Guys - the KCPA News Group is up and running, please add any information you would like other associates to enjoy be it advertising your Photographic Exhibition, outings inviting others, or Speakers you would like to extend to a greater audience. There are also some posts advertising free E-Books (yes, FREE!) lots to keep you busy during the rainy weather!

Please remember to update the KCPA with any changes to your committee structure by advising web manager@kcpa.co.uk also please sign up for membership to keep abreast of any important things happening. For example here is the KCPA July Update for your information.

The Group privacy settings have been changed to Closed which means that anyone can find the Group and who’s in it, but only members of the Group can see posts. And any member can add members but an admin must approve them. I hope you agree with the changes. This ensures our safety. Potential members can also see the description of the Group if privacy is set to Closed. All members or admin may post to the Group.

We look forward to having your participation. Please forward this information on to your club members for them to enjoy the links that may get posted from time to time.

Kind Regards
Sandra Thompson
KCPA News Group