KCPA Newsletter

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KCPA Newsletter

David Barnes
Dear Associate members

Just a reminder that we have a PAGB AWARDS FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC MERIT ON 15th Nov, at Detling.

Whether you wish to bring along prints or pdi’s for advice, or just come & observe please email Jane Puncher

via kcpasecretary@gmail.com before the 50 spaces available become full. The event is free and being

put on to help associate members to obtain advice from the experts, let’s see a packed out event.


Further details can be found here.http://www.kcpa.co.uk/2015/10/ross-cup-2015-the-results/


Please share this information with others in your club!


Entries for the AV COMPETITION hosted by Hailsham are closed. However, you can still purchase

observer tickets to go along and view the competition entries. SEE HERE FOR OBSERVER FORM



Saturday 17th October saw another packed out ROSS CUP event this time hosted by EPS.

Results can be found on the OPS noticeboard and KCPA website



On Sunday 25th October the PAGB Inter-Club Print Championship takes place in Ellesmere Port.

I would like to wish the 2 clubs representing the KCPA in this the very best of luck in the competition,

last year’s Ross Cup Winners Aperture Woolwich Photographic Society & 2nd placed Sevenoaks Camera Club.



Kind Regards


Tracy Hughes