KCPA/PAGB event - Sat 22nd - Sun 23rd April

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KCPA/PAGB event - Sat 22nd - Sun 23rd April

Chris Sawyer
This is a chance to see some images (Prints and PDIs) from individuals trying for accreditations from the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain.  

Message from the KCPA:

Dear Club Members.

The Kent County photographic Association (KCPA) will be hosting the PAGB APM Adjudication in April 2023. The event will take place at:

The Army Reserve Centre, London Road, Aylesford, Kent ME20 6DB.

Entrants for CPAGB will be adjudicated on Saturday 22nd April and DPAGB on Sunday 23rd April 2023. There are no MPAGB adjudications this year.

OBSERVER TICKETS are available from 1st April from myself, the Reception Secretary, Tracy Hughes at a cost of £12 payable via the KCPA PayPal account: competitions@kcpa.co.uk or by cheque payable to KCPA sent to 6 Cook Close, Lordswood, Chatham, Kent ME5 8LU

If paying via PayPal please include your name , email address and date you wish to attend in the reference section so the ticket can be emailed over to you.

Please act quick in order to purchase an observer ticket, numbers are limited and so may be restricted.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you over the PAGB Adjudication weekend in Aylesford.

Many thanks

Tracy Hughes

KCPA President & APM Reception Secretary

More details from the KCPA website:
