KCPA - PDI Exhibition - Closing Date 30th April 2021

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KCPA - PDI Exhibition - Closing Date 30th April 2021

Chris Sawyer
Dear Member,

Sorry about the late notice, but I have just found out that the KCPA are running an on-line exhibition over YouTube.

This is an exhibition for club members to enter directly.  Please note that it is NOT a club exhibition so you will need to fill out the relevant forms and send the PDIs and payment yourself.

You can enter up to 30 images and there are fees for doing so.  Please note there is no guarantee your images will be selected for the exhibition.


I have attached the entry form below:


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Re: KCPA - PDI Exhibition - Closing Date 30th April 2021

Chris Sawyer
Here's a few more details about the Exhibition from the KCPA:

19th April 2021

Dear Club Member
As you are aware the KCPA Committee took the decision to cancel the KCPA Annual exhibition in
2020 due to the Covid situation. Whilst we are not able to bring you the usual KCPA Annual Print
and PDI Exhibition with viewings at Creek Creative and an audience viewing of the Selection weekend,
we are able to offer the following; A PDI exhibition in the form of a digital online exhibition which will
allow not only our KCPA affiliated club members to view the accepted images, but also others from
outside the area will be able to view the exhibition.

 The exhibition will be a slideshow displaying all the accepted images, with text displaying the title and
photographer’s name.  This will be similar to that showing on the television screen at Creek Creative in
previous years. The slideshow will be uploaded to You Tube so you will be able to view on your pc, laptop,
mobile and television. Whilst we are not able to provide you with a safe place to accept any awards you
may be given, these can be carried over and awarded at a suitable KCPA event.

The same selectors will be used in 2021 as were planned for 2020. Namely. Richard Speirs, Peter Young
and Leigh Woolford. I am sure you will understand that the situation was not one we could predict and
thank you for your understanding of this matter.

In order to enter the exhibition, you will need to be a club member of an KCPA affiliated club. I have
certainly missed seeing all the images coming in for our prestigious annual KCPA Exhibition, and so look
forward to seeing your pdi images for the KCPA Exhibition 2021. It doesn’t matter how old the images are
as long as they have not been accepted in any previous years KCPA Exhibition.

Further details can be found on the KCPA website HERE Closing date 30th April 2021, so act quickly !

Entry form attached. However should you need any assistance please contact myself via 01634 303540 or
email competitions@kcpa.co.uk

Very Best Wishes

Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS BPE2*

KCPA President & Competition Coordinator
Phone - 01634 303540
Email – competitions@kcpa.co.uk