KCPA exhibition - help required

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KCPA exhibition - help required

Chris Sawyer
Message from Jane Puncher at the KCPA.

Please contact "kcpasecretary@gmail.com" if you are interested in helping.

"Greetings, this exhibition, with the top prints from PAGB club members is being hung on monday 3rd. December, it will run until monday 17th. December when it will be taken down for the next venue. The official opening will be on friday 7th. December for an invited audience of those who have entries accepted and the sponsor prize donors.

Much of the stewarding has been offered already but I am still looking for volunteers for 4th. and 5th. December (I believe there is a volunteer for 6th. December but have not had confirmation yet) Volunteers for Friday 14th. December are also needed. Could I ask you to circulate this request to all KCPA clubs and website;  asking those who can offer their services to email me. Travel expenses and a small payment for lunch is offered. This will be the finest exhibition of club photography in London this year !

The venue is RK Burt Gallery;  57-61 Union St, London SE1 1SG  nearest underground is London Bridge
Opening hours 10am to 4pm

Many thanks
Clive Tanner"