KCPA update

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KCPA update

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May 2015
Dear Club Members.
With many Clubs having their final meetings of this season, and lots packing their bags for time away, just before you go, we thought we just needed to update you all on what is happening in the KCPA over the Summer Months.

Our very successful Exhibition has all been boxed up, but if you missed it, there is a very comprehensive report on the Website. It takes the form of a Catalogue, and allows you an opportunity to download things to your hard drive if you so wish. A selection of AVI’S have been produced, some including music and the full catalogue of acceptances is there in PDF format as well as the official results website, even a gallery of the winners collecting their awards.

http://www.kcpa.co.uk/. You will also see HERE for results of a survey completed by those that attended the exhibitions selection weekend.

We now see the closing of one door, and the opening of another! As one Exhibition closes, the plans for another are coming together. The KCPA are hosting, first the selection for the PAGB Inter Federation Exhibition and then displaying the Images chosen in two venues over the summer months. HERE are the details for the Selection, another opportunity to see quality images being assessed, tickets for this event are available on this page of the website. We will keep sending reminders via our Facebook Group, if you haven’t already please do join “the in crowd” to keep updated with Camera Club exhibitions, photographic places to visit and to follow stimulating debate on all things photographic.

The PAGB Exhibition will first be displayed in Creek Creative, Faversham from July 20th until the end of July, and then in the Graham Clarke Gallery, The Hazlitt Theatre Maidstone from 17th August, so could maybe fit in with Summer excursions around the Kent countryside?

We do listen, to you, the membership, and are striving to make improvements across the Competitions and Events we run, so please help us with this, by completing our survey about the whole Exhibition process. It really will only take a few minutes of your time and will be invaluable to us as we commence plans for the Photographic Season 2015/2016

Do look at the Our Events Calender and Facebook group, for other Club’s Annual Exhibitions, you know you will be sure of a warm welcome if you drop in.

Another date for your Diaries and a call to all AV workers to perfect a Sequence for the KCPA AV Competition being hosted by Hailsham Photographic Society on November 14th outline details available here, more to follow.

Hope to see lots of you at the AGM June 27th at Detling.

Kind Regards

Melanie & Tracy