Kingfishers photo challenge

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Kingfishers photo challenge

Ian Stedman

New topic created to collate all talk about the Kingfisher photo challenge. The challenge is if we see them.
Most likely time will be March/April, Barrie, can you confirm?

Previous discussions will be copied in below.
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“Kingfisher” outing

Hi all,

Having been on several outings with the “Surrey Creative Photo group” to find and photo Kingfishers at Ewell, near Epsom I wondered if two small groups would be interested in checking this fairly reliable and local suburban site along a chalk stream at Ewell.

Ideally this needs to be early morning with decent light, perhaps on Sunday between February to April.
weather needs to be bright arriving around 8-9 am after a 50 min drive.

Several Kingfishers have been spotted along this stream at most times of the year and on the two visits I have spotted the flight but not been close enough to get decent shoot whilst perched.
With this in mind, groups of 6-8 would be maximum divided into smaller groups and in contact with each updating on any sightings.

Minimum equipment should be 300mm telephoto range (on 35mm basis) using a monopod (not tripod) or handheld for a grab shot. ( I have a 150mm mirror-less giving 300mm at 2.8f stops ) and still found range was short.

Please add your name below to see if we can get one or two outings over next few months….

NB : it’s very difficult to get the money shot so don’t be disappointed if missed but seeing them was good enough for me.

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Re: “Kingfisher” outing

Chris Sawyer
I'm definitely interested in trying for a kingfisher shot.
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Re: “Kingfisher” outing

Chris Nash
In reply to this post by Bazza
I am interested in your "Kingfisher" outing.
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Re: “Kingfisher” outing

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Bazza

I'm interested in the Kingfisher outing. Will fit things in with the day job.

We discussed some ideas for a night away trip, these were the notes I made. Accommodation would be Premier Inn/Travelodge or a local B&B.

Trip to Norfolk where there are some windmills and misty scenes, without the aid of photoshop.

Mersea Island, for sunrise/sunset shots and flora and fauna. Probably late April at the latest, so the sun-rise is not a stupid o'clock.

Whitstable? Maybe this area and Kent are overdone.

Further north than Norfolk (say that in the local accent).

If you like unseen history and exploring, take a look here:
I guess we don't want more than a 2-3 hour car journey, your thoughts please?

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Re: “Kingfisher” outing update

Getting ready for Kingfisher Hunting whilst dawns start about 6.30 am and storm season maybe finished, I have checked the next few Sundays as below if anyone interested.

Please confirm interest
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Re: “Kingfisher” outing update

Chris Sawyer
Barrie..what date is the 2nd screen shot?
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Re: “Kingfisher” outing update

Thats the 6th March
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Re: “Kingfisher” outing update

Chris Sawyer
Thanks Barrie - I can make 6th March.
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Re: “Kingfisher” outing

In reply to this post by Bazza
Id be interested in Kingfisher shot/sighting. And 6th March good for me (if you can trust the weather report)