I'm interested in the Kingfisher outing. Will fit things in with the day job.
We discussed some ideas for a night away trip, these were the notes I made. Accommodation would be Premier Inn/Travelodge or a local B&B.
Trip to Norfolk where there are some windmills and misty scenes, without the aid of photoshop.
Mersea Island, for sunrise/sunset shots and flora and fauna. Probably late April at the latest, so the sun-rise is not a stupid o'clock.
Whitstable? Maybe this area and Kent are overdone.
Further north than Norfolk (say that in the local accent).
If you like unseen history and exploring, take a look here:
http://beyondthepoint.co.uk/browse-by-area/I guess we don't want more than a 2-3 hour car journey, your thoughts please?