Lacrosse World Championship 12 to 21 July

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Lacrosse World Championship 12 to 21 July

Paul Brett
I mentioned to a few of you that the Lacrosse World Championship is being held in Guildford this summer.  The Championship itself is shadowed by a festival of sides that are playing outside of the main competition.  28 Countries are competing.  Game schedule is here:

It is a ticketed event with tickets available here:,4UZ3O,AGQ5CJ,IDIPT,1

Lacrosse isn't easy to photograph but it's a good opportunity to test your skills.  Here are a few I took at the weekend in Cardiff where England played Czech Republic and Scotland; they also played Wales but I had to return unfortunately.

Hopefully this will all work but please feel free to tell me if not!
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Re: Lacrosse World Championship 12 to 21 July

Chris Sawyer
Paul, thanks for posting about Lacrosse.  It certainly looks action-packed and colourful, and there are some good images there on your Flickr site.  The ground pass at £10.50 looks a good bet for us roaming photographers.  Hope we can get together in July for one of the events.
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Re: Lacrosse World Championship 12 to 21 July

Paul Brett
The challenge is getting the ball in shot as there is so much movement and speed of passing.  I delete all mine without a ball (but 8 frames a second helps!)  My daughter is #12.


On Monday, 10 April 2017, 19:06, Chris Sawyer [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Paul, thanks for posting about Lacrosse.  It certainly looks action-packed and colourful, and there are some good images there on your Flickr site.  The ground pass at £10.50 looks a good bet for us roaming photographers.  Hope we can get together in July for one of the events.

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