Landscape Photogrpaher of the Year 2014

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Landscape Photogrpaher of the Year 2014

David Barnes
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Re: Landscape Photogrpaher of the Year 2014

I went yesterday. I have to say I am disappointed with the new venue. Previously it has been held in the National Theatre on the South Bank which was both quiet and well laid out. The new venue on the mezzanine of Waterloo station, is cold, noisy and very linear in its layout and not conducive at all to being able to study the photographs.
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Re: Landscape Photogrpaher of the Year 2014

Alan Graham
I went today.

Wished I had read Peter's comments before I walked from Trafalgar Square. Ended up on a train that refused to stop at Chelsfield...!

I have to agree. I haven't seen it before but it's not the best venue to see things like this.
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