Launch of PS Firefly with AI

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Launch of PS Firefly with AI

Hope you can view this launch extract from PS Beyoncé - it’s just been added to PS Beta

👺 Scary good or maybe Bad for future photo comps.

PS if can’t view then please advise
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Re: Launch of PS Firefly with AI

Having watched a five minute preview on this new AI feature within PS Beta - as expected I decided to test how far one could go....

The attached being a recent shoot that included a dancer strutting her stuff, I thought it would be cool to have a background of a Dance Studio instead of the blank dark canvas screen, the attached was the first of three options all excellent but this was the most realistic.(I could have gone on with more and more options on refining the results)

"Hang on to your hats" as this means a dramatic change to how we view and contest photos going forward, never realised AI was going to have such a quick impact on photography.

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Re: Launch of PS Firefly with AI

This is scary! Will clubs have to re-write their rule books?
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Re: Launch of PS Firefly with AI

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Re: Launch of PS Firefly with AI

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Bazza

It is kind of scary how easily some of this AI is progressing but is the sky replacement feature also AI driven?
The result is impressive and hard to tell. The only thing that ay go against you in this portrait is the hands
I view this as an extension of the sky replacement feature. With regard to rules, most rules states that all parts of the image, must be your own work, so you can replace with another sky you photographed. That said, how would we know?

Perhaps something to show off one members evening?

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Re: Launch of PS Firefly with AI

David Barnes
In reply to this post by PeterH
Will we have to define "photograph"? Where is "light" involved in generated images or parts of images?