Lavender fields at Lullingstone

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Lavender fields at Lullingstone

Paul Brett
The lavender fields are coming into bloom.  The Hop Shop run tours and discourage unfettered access so if you want to get up front & personal with lavender, that'd be the route to go.

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Re: Lavender fields at Lullingstone

Or go to Mayfield lavender farm in Banstead where you can wander through the lavender with no restrictions. They also have an annual photo competition.

On 24 Jun 2018, at 06:52, Paul Brett [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

The lavender fields are coming into bloom.  The Hop Shop run tours and discourage unfettered access so if you want to get up front & personal with lavender, that'd be the route to go.


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Re: Lavender fields at Lullingstone

Paul Brett
Good shout!


On 24 Jun 2018 7:30 a.m., "PeterH [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
Or go to Mayfield lavender farm in Banstead where you can wander through the lavender with no restrictions. They also have an annual photo competition.

On 24 Jun 2018, at 06:52, Paul Brett [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

The lavender fields are coming into bloom.  The Hop Shop run tours and discourage unfettered access so if you want to get up front & personal with lavender, that'd be the route to go.


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