Life in Orpington Cover Competition

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Life in Orpington Cover Competition

OPS Notices
Nicky and Lauretta from 'Life in Orpington' have offered one of our members to have their photograph on a Spring edition of their magazine. They sent the following:

We've been thinking about a cover that we could get you guys involved with and were thinking of a theme of 'What Spring Means to you' which we could feature on our March or April edition of Life In Orpington.

Ideally it would be nice if the image is local to the Bromley Borough. We go to print around the 10th of each month for the following months magazine so 10th Feb for March, 10th March for April - so maybe the April mag would be better as February might be too early for taking spring image?

I suggest anyone interested should submit one image to this thread so that I can forward the images in bulk nearer the deadline for them to pick their favourite. The winner can then forward a suitable sized image for printing (their requirements will follow).

Points to remember:

1. The magazine is A5 PORTRAIT.
2. Honesty as to the location. ie Snowdrops can be anywhere but it should be taken in Orpington/Bromley area.
3. Take a look at their layout. Negative space for title etc is just as important as what is on full view.

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Re: Life in Orpington Cover Competition

OPS Notices
I have been in discussion with Nicky and Lauretta and as we are having a mix of weather at the moment getting a spring theme image may be too difficult by their March/April editions. The deadline for March has already passed!

They have agreed to delay the competition until the September edition to coincide with our new season. This free advertising will benefit us more then.

We should keep to within the BR6 and BR5 areas. Photos with a punch will have a better chance of getting on the front cover. Start looking at publications for the type of images that get used allowing for negative space for wording.

Ideally, images should be submitted here by late July to allow time for them to be forwarded and judged.

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Re: Life in Orpington Cover Competition

Chris Sawyer
Thanks for the update Alan.  Is the theme still the same?
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Re: Life in Orpington Cover Competition

Alan Graham
The old theme was what Spring means to me, now it is more or less whatever we want provided it is within the Orpington postcodes. 

A lot of their covers are stock photos that could have been shot anywhere. We will need to look at highlighting something more venue led but not necessarily landscape. 

I think this is better because it will test individual creativity. 

On Fri, 14 Feb 2020, 09:36 Chris Sawyer [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum], <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks for the update Alan.  Is the theme still the same?

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Re: Life in Orpington Cover Competition

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
Can I remind members of this competition?

The deadline to make the September issue will be with us before we know it. Get your thinking caps on and find that image they would like on their front cover.

This is a good opportunity to have the OPS advertised for free and in time for the new season.
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