Light Painting
Their is another form of light painting where objects are spun or shone onto buildings or people
Tonight’s version is somewhat unique to Olympus and their feature called LIVE COMPOSITE is ideal or with other cameras using multi layers in PS via a bulb mode equivalent
Points to be aware
1/ need solid table top base eg not my shed with wooden floorboards
2/ almost total darkness which makes it difficult to move around in tight space (shed)
3/ Live Composite allows light to be built up on active open aperture image without any time restraints and without becoming over exposed unless continuous layers to cause too much light in one spot or light gets accidentally directed into lens
4/ if you accidentally over expose an area then take another shot and layer these in PS to reduce areas of exposure as needed ( multiple photos in Bulb Mode and ND filter will achieve similar results but multi layers are necessary
5/ ISO should be lower than normal as this allows more gradual buildup of light, I have been using 100 ISO
6/ to use flash light that’s has narrow stream of light gives better control - it needs a constant flow back and forth at an acute angle to achieve the shadows upon any highly textured objects, try to keep source of light coming from one direction
7/ the amount of time any session takes depends on the amount of light (low ) gradually being built upon each attempt. It’s not always necessary to highlight all dark areas but it’s good to give some outline for depth to the image
8/ the closer you get to object with your torch with hand movements flow back and forth needs to be quicker and shorter, if further back the light spreads and can over expose if too strong flash or remain in one area too long (Inverse Square Law applies)
9/ when finishing several attempts it’s important not to move item or tripod as you will need to stack and load images into PS for masking the areas not required
10/ the type of white balance of light is important as gives the vintage masters look but this can be changed in PS
11/ it’s also possible to take an initial flash shot of background and bounce off ceiling to reduce shadows
LR has ability to add masks and increase lighting very easy for background using it’s new masking option called INTERACT
12/ always use RAW files to bring out textures