Light Up Orpington 2015 - Photos

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Light Up Orpington 2015 - Photos

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Light Up Orpington 2015 - Photos

Hopefully by now you are aware that this Thursday sees the return of Light Up Orpington 2015!
Festivities start at 4pm and will run until 8pm.  The stage will be situated where Knoll Rise meets the high street and will host a range of live entertainment. The countdown to the fireworks should take place approx. 7:00 - 7:15pm, following the lantern parade, headed up by Santa and co at around 6:30pm. This year we are delighted to be joined by Britain’s fastest woman, and Orpingtonian, Dina Asher-Smith.
If you are planning to attend the event we would love to see any photos you might take. Please do share them live online via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using #LightUpOrpington & #Orpington
Feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Chris Travers
Projects Manager