Magazine CD ROMs/tutorials etc

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Magazine CD ROMs/tutorials etc

Richard W
I have close on 500 CD ROMs collected from various photography magazines over the last 6/7 yrs which I am about to throw out unless anyone would like to take them off my hands.

They are from the following mags:-

Practical Photography
Digital Photo
Digital Camera
Digital Photographer
Digital Camera
Photo Plus (dedicated to Canon but lessons are generic to all cameras)

If anyone has any interest please let me know and I will bring them in to the weekly meeting. I will hold on to them until Tue 25th i.e. two weeks, after which they will be consigned to the land fill site !!
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Re: Magazine CD ROMs/tutorials etc

Chris Sawyer

Please could you bring your CD-ROMs in on Tuesday 25th?  It's a club night rather than a competition/speaker, so there will probably be more time for members to browse your collection.

Thanks, Chris
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Re: Magazine CD ROMs/tutorials etc

Richard W
Will do Chris!