Member's Evenings 16th & 23rd Oct 2018

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Member's Evenings 16th & 23rd Oct 2018

OPS Notices
Confirmation of details for the next two weeks.

On the 16th there will be a chance to see some basic methods of improving your images using software such as Lightroom. This is a two way session and it would be nice if experienced members gave some advice and tips about different programmes.

Some examples will be shown and there will be a chance to take some images home to put into practice some of the ideas. Please bring a memory stick along so that you can download the best quality files on the night.*

There will also be an advanced lesson on producing/cutting mounts. Also tips and tricks on preparing them for competition. There are different ways of doing this so again please share what you find best.

There will be a chance to have an informal natter during a tea/coffee break. Please bring some change along to help cover the costs.

*On the 23rd members will have the opportunity to show what they have done with the sample images from the first week. This will highlight the different range of programmes and members styles. There will also be a chance to ask questions.

Please remember the images for PDI Challenge 1 are due to be handed in by Tuesday 23rd October.
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Image editing and manipulation

Richard W
Folks, tonight was a VERY quick insight into what simple editing can do to enhance your images. I make no apologies for skipping through so quickly, there is a lot to learn no matter which software you use.

To that end if you have any questions at all, please fire them over to me. If I can't answer them myself I will certainly find the answer for you.

If you would like one-to-one lessons on Lightroom or DxO or BASIC Photoshop I am to give it at your leisure (you provide the coffee!)
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Re: Image editing and manipulation

OPS Notices
Thank you Richard for leading the very informative evening. I believe I heard a few comments from members during the evening about new tips and discoveries learnt.

To see what difference a few simple adjustments can have on an image is hopefully a nudge for some members to move away from jpeg files to RAW. It will open a whole new world of possibilities for your images.

I am looking forward to seeing some of these tips and tricks being put into action next week. Remember this is not a competition, don't use your best images or worry too much about getting everything right. If you are using the images supplied by Richard it will be interesting how many different results we get.

If you are using some of your own images don't forget to bring a before and after example.

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Re: Image editing and manipulation

OPS Notices
Again I would like to thank Richard for running tonights meeting and to everyone who submitted their homework on time.

I will serve my detention for forgetting to hand mine in on time, I no longer have a dog so I couldn't use that excuse, just plain forgot.

I did work on the 3 images Richard gave out, nothing special and all in Lightroom.

By way of something different I then used what I had done to blend all 3 together in On1.

Title: 'Doomed"...

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Re: Image editing and manipulation

Richard W
If you added the duck it might be another SLF winner
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Re: Image editing and manipulation

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by OPS Notices
Really good composite Alan.  Having the boat heading towards the rapids would really have challenged a judge to make sensible comments.