Members Macro PDI evening 24th

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Members Macro PDI evening 24th

Richard W
This post was updated on .
Folks, just to remind you that you can bring your PDIs for this on the evening as it is an in-house friendly evening, or you can email them to the usual address beforehand (good practice for some!). Please adjust them to standard PDI sizes 1400 x 1050 colour space sRGB.

As it is a friendly there are no limit to the amount of images and you must be prepared to discuss your images to the audience.


So far I have received images from :-

David Barnes
Bob Mabberley
Yicheng Lu
Barrie Duffield
Peter Humphrey
Alan Graham
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Re: Members Macro PDI evening 24th

Is it the standard 3 PDI Images ?

On 18 Oct 2017, at 18:09, Richard W [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Folks, just to remind you that you can bring your PDIs for this on the evening as it is an in-house friendly evening, or you can email them to the usual address beforehand (good practice for some!). Please adjust them to standard PDI sizes 1400 x 1050 colour space sRGB. Thanks

So far I have received images from :-

David Barnes
Bob Mabberley

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Re: Members Macro PDI evening 24th

Richard W
Bring as many as you want Bazza, I amended the image to reflect this but you might have the original
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Re: Members Macro PDI evening 24th

Dave Jackson
is there a theme for this or is it just 'macros' with anything goes?
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Re: Members Macro PDI evening 24th

Alan Graham
Just macros (or as close as you can get). No theme.
On 19 Oct 2017, at 14:00, Dave Jackson [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

is there a theme for this or is it just 'macros' with anything goes?

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