Members Meanders 20th Feb

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Members Meanders 20th Feb

Richard W
Folks, just to remind you that you can bring your PDIs for this on the evening as it is an in-house friendly evening, or you can email them to the usual address beforehand (good practice for some!). Please adjust them to standard PDI sizes 1400 x 1050 colour space sRGB.

As it is a friendly there are no limit to the amount of images and you must be prepared to discuss your images to the audience.


So far I have received images from :-
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Members Meanders - Feb 20

David Barnes
Can we please have some guidance.
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Re: Members Meanders - Feb 20

OPS Notices
By definition a meander is not guided...

It is just an opportunity to show off some travel photos. You can have a selection of many trips or you could present just one special travelog.

As already mentioned there is no limit but dependant on the total number on the night. Be prepared to drag it out or foreshorten your meander.