Mono print 3 & Final Result for 2019-2020

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Mono print 3 & Final Result for 2019-2020

Alan Graham
The final round of the mon print competition saw our judge, Darren Pullman pick 4 images to hold. The remainder were given a wide range of scores.

Held were:

'Starlet' by Ron Jarvis CPAGB LRPS BPE1 AFIAP
'Body Shapes' by Ron Jarvis CPAGB LRPS BPE1 AFIAP
'Gents Hair Styles' by David Barnes LRPS which was given a 20

and the overall winner:

'He Loves Me Not' by Neil Hobday LRPS

A PDI version is not currently available to show at this time. It is not a case of censorship...

Congratulations to Neil on his win.

This leaves the final scores and positions for the 2019-2020 season:

The winner was...

Philip Brown LRPS with 107+ points.

The runner up was...

Neil Hobday LRPS with 105+ points

Well done Philip on the win and to Neil for his 2nd place.

Below are the scores from MP3 and the full list of final positions for the season.


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