Most Creative Images instructions

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Most Creative Images instructions

Malcolm Ming
Hi all,
Next week 10 November will be "Most Creative Images".
Members please to bring in images of you consider your most creative images.
Bring them on the evening on a memory stick or email before hand to
If emailing, please do so by latest Monday night.

Images will be shown on the projector and you are asked please to comment on your images.
For example:
Why you consider this to be your most creative image
What was your thought process when making the image.  
Was it divine inspiration or did you get the idea from somewhere else?
what were you trying to accomplish.
How much (if any) post processing did you use.
What software did you use
Did you submit this for competition
the rest of us may ask questions.

There is no limit to the number of images you can present or show but please no more than 10 minutes per speaker.  So if you want to speak for 10 min on 1 image or 5 images with 2 min each etc.  you get the idea.

There is no naming convention.  if possible, please try to keep images to normal resolution.  Max 1400px on the horizontal and 1050px on the vertical.

If you have any questions, please post below replying to this post.