Mount Board for Prints.

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Mount Board for Prints.

Alan Graham
Mainly for the benefit of the newer members the following may be of interest.

Some of us use the services of the specialist framing shop "Picture This..." at 2A Tile Farm Road, Orpington (j/w Tubbendon Lane). Mark has a wide range of mount board colours and will cut to size.


4 x (50 x 40) mounts of the same colour and aperture = £3.50 each

For orders less than 4 = £5 each.

NB The discounted price is in units of 4 only.

Each sheet of card he uses will provide 4 of our mounts hence the difference if you want less than 4. If you need different apertures cut the increased cost is due to the extra time resetting the machine for each mount.

The best days to catch Mark in the shop are Monday and Tuesday. He cannot guarantee a cutting service while you wait as he does huge orders for framing companies. He suggests you visit on the first occasion and if you tend to need the same order repeating he is willing to take new orders via email. He would keep your cutting size stored on the machine if you ask.

Tel: 01689 855241

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