Name that tune instructions

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Name that tune instructions

Malcolm Ming
Members please to bring in images that describe or show a song title.  E.g. a picture of a blue moon.  Song title  would be "blue moon".

Resolution to be the same as usual 1400 pixels wide by 1050 height maximum.

Naming convention.  Please do not title the image with the name of the tune.  Call it something non identifiable. E.g xyz or 1637 or name that tune 3etc.  Incuding the author name is optional.

You can submit as many images as you want.

Send images by Monday night to   or bring images on a memory stick on the night.

There are no restrictions on the images needed to be taken by you the author.  That rule is only for official club competitions.  So feel free to use images or parts of images taken by others or found on the internet.  This is purely a fun evening.

Depending on numbers it will either be a team contest or individual.