New Member Cup

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New Member Cup

Chris Sawyer
How would you like to win this beauty at the end of the season?

If you are a new member (when they arrive) or a newish member (who joined last season) you will be able to compete for this trophy.

The newish members are: Trevor Bailey, Greg Bridges, Steve Hammett and Ronald Ruggins.

Here are the rules of the competition:

1. The New Member Cup is awarded to the new/newish member with the highest total score in the heats of the internal competitions.

2. The internal competitions are 3 rounds of prints (12 in total) and 3 rounds of PDIs (9 in total).  This makes 21 scoring images in total.

3. The new/newish member must enter at least 9 images to qualify for the New Member Cup.  These can be prints and/or PDIs.  (This means that you do not need to produce any prints if you enter 9 PDIs.)

4. In the event of a tie, the Committee will decide the winner.


Here are the previous winners of the trophy....all great photographers!

2023        Mike Dennett
​2022        Keith Woonton
​2019        Ian Stedman
​2018        Philip Brown
​2017        Martin Adams
2016        Bob Mabberley
2014        Dave Jackson