New message about COVID and meetings

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New message about COVID and meetings

Given the concern about the new South African COVID variant, it is considered that in the interests of everyone's safety members should wear masks at the meeting on Tuesday 30 November.

At this meeting, members will be asked to vote on whether to use Zoom for the meetings in December and January or continue with the existing programme of meetings at Christ Church.
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Re: New message about COVID and meetings

At the meeting tonight, there was unanimous agreement that we will use Zoom for all meetings in December and January.  Chris Sawyer will send members Zoom links for meetings by email.
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Re: New message about COVID and meetings

Brilliant result tonight after many, many years missing a win. At last one point was very important.

Great results from everyone with steady scoring plus two 20’s from Peter and Neil.

Onwards and Upwards from a club having about one third of their membership
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Re: New message about COVID and meetings

Yes, I agree Barrie. Well done to everyone.
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Re: New message about COVID and meetings

Yes well done Peter and Neil, and everyone else

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Re: New message about COVID and meetings

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Bazza

The full result sheet for those not keeping score is attached.

A great result tonight for the club, that's two inter-club friendlies we've won so far this year, can we make it three in a row?