Newly released panoramic stitching software

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Newly released panoramic stitching software

Ian Stedman

Having recently taken a few panoramic photos, using the panorama assist on my camera, I needed some new software to stitch the images together. I used to use a website, but as it uses Adobe Flash, my modern browsers now block it. A bit of searching found Hugin,, available for Windows and Mac for free.

It's easy enough to use and has some tailorable options. It can't fix somethings though, see my test image below ;)

Worth playing with.

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Re: Newly released panoramic stitching software

Chris Sawyer
Great shot Ian - especially the double family!  It looks like you were at the Dead Sea.  Am I right?  I tend to use ICE software.  I can't remember what it stands for though.  I'll try your software sometime and let you know what I think.  Chris
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Re: Newly released panoramic stitching software

Ian Stedman
Hello Chris,

The shot is of Lake Mead, Nevada, USA. A barren but interesting area adjacent to the Hoover Dam.
I did not visit the Dead Sea when I worked in Israel but I did visit the Sea of Galilee. The Dead Sea was too close to Palestine so my guide kept us away.

The software seems Ok, the double family was amusing when I saw it, a consequence of slowly panning and aligning the pictures.