Night-time flotilla of glowing boats on the Thames Saturday 24th Sept

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Night-time flotilla of glowing boats on the Thames Saturday 24th Sept

Illuminated flotilla of 150 decorated boats, including the Queen’s own barge, Gloriana, as part of the Thames Festival. The procession will travel at dusk from Chelsea to Tower Bridge, with the aim of creating a ribbon of light reflected across the water. All participating crews are raising funds for the RNLI, to support the construction of a new lifeboat station at Waterloo Bridge.
Exact departure times to be confirmed closer to the date. Sunset is at 7pm, so likely to be around that time though to give the boats time to get to Tower Bridge.
Good news as there are hardly any disruptions on the London Underground on that Saturday evening, and none in Central London.
The bridges, lit up by Illuminated River, will be threaded with tones of platinum and purple in a synchronized flow of subtly moving LED lights across nine central London Thames bridges, from Lambeth to London Bridge.

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Re: Night-time flotilla of glowing boats on the Thames Saturday 24th Sept

Cheers David as read this from Photo group outing but already booked for family celebration in London on that afternoon.

But did get more info if any interest - poss same source. MUST ALLOW FOR DREADED RAIL STRIKE

The Event

This event is part of The Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations, and raises funds for the RNLI, supporting the construction of a new lifeboat station at Waterloo Bridge.
At dusk, an illuminated flotilla of over a hundred and fifty boats, including Gloriana The Queen’s Rowbarge, will float down the River Thames through central London from Chelsea to Tower Bridge.
The boats are individually decorated with white lights, creating a sparkling night time Canaletto scene.
Bridges along The Thames will be also be illuminated with changing lights and colours.
With an event as rare as this it's impossible to know in advance the best places for photography.
Expect big crowds though! We are just going to head to the river and see where we can go.

As we're shooting in low light please take a tripod, although there may not be muchtroom to set one up! Whatever happens, this should certainly be a spectacular event.

Sunset is at 18.55
Golden Hour 18.11 to 19.15