Nik Silver FX Pro problem

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Nik Silver FX Pro problem

The above has decided not to work with my PS, everything else is ok. Has anyone any ideas on how to get it working again?
Im thinking I will have to delete and reinstall. dont want anything too complicated to do


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Re: Nik Silver FX Pro problem

Chris Sawyer
Hi Fay,

My Silver Efex plugin is working.

Did you go via the Filter/Nik Collection route in PS?

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Re: Nik Silver FX Pro problem

Yes Chris

Another thing with PS, when doing a layer mask, it has a circle in the mask now, and so you cant see the mask content....
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Re: Nik Silver FX Pro problem

Chris Sawyer
Hi Fay,

This is not my strongest skill in PS.  I can see what you have probably been doing.  When you add a layer mask you just get a circle (which is a brush) and cannot clearly see the edges of what you are masking.

There is a 50 second video in PS when you select a layer mask and this shows how you can use 'Select/Subject' to refine what you want to mask.

Here's one I did:

and the end result...

There's lots more to it than this as I found out when I went into the 'Refine' area just above the layers panel.

Good luck!

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Re: Nik Silver FX Pro problem

Thanks a lot Chris, will have a good read