GOOD PICTURE 2015 – “Imaging Illuminated”
An RPS Symposium Following the success of the previous twelve Good Picture Symposia, the Imaging Science Group of the Royal Photographic Society is organising another in its series of tutorial seminars, open to all, on selected technical aspects of Digital Imaging. The aim of these lectures and discussions is to provide imaging practitioners, keen amateurs and students with insights into Digital Imaging and provide some tools and guidelines for assessing cameras and output. Location: University of Westminster, Regent Street, London Date: Saturday 12th December 2015, 10am – 4pm (Note: There is full disabled access to this meeting) Charges:£70.00 Concessions: £39.00 (Students, Retired, Unemployed) Includes buffet lunch plus morning and afternoon coffee & biscuits (Continuing Professional Development documentation will be supplied if required) Contact:Dr. Mike Christianson: 01753 890 480 Application form and address etc.: Programme Alan Cooper Fitting Photographs Together. RPS 3D and Holography Group Different combinations of digital displacement and rotation of images, alignment, magnification adjustment, and tonal control provide not only the photographer and microscopist, but also the artist, with High Dynamic Range (HDR), panoramas and tiling, aligned stereoscopic pairs and almost unlimited depth of field. For astronomers, automatic registration can beat telescope tracking in accuracy. For the artist - new fields for creativity. Adrian Davies MSc ARPSDigital Photography of Plants Using Ultraviolet Reflected and Freelance Photographer Fluorescence Techniques The presentation will highlight the issues involved with the digital photography of plants using ultraviolet radiation, both reflected and fluorescence. The results are starting to reveal new insights into the world of plants and their flowers. Dr. Neil J MurrayMeasuring Space Radiation Damage from Artefacts in Centre For Electronic Imaging, The Open University Comet 67P Images An abundance of images returned from the European Space Agency Rosetta mission reveals artefacts of bright-dark pixel pairings that allow the nature and location of radiation damage sites in the CCD array to be understood and corrected for in post-processing. The annoying presence of these artefacts in cometary images is merely a consequence of the power constraints of Rosetta, however unbeknown at the time, a similar but deliberate scheme was recently developed and adopted into the ESA Euclid mission to probe these effects, allowing for far greater precision astronomy. The Rosetta mission accidentally provides unique and real data of space radiation damage effects over a period of 10 years that will provide valuable insight into future space based missions. Dr. Jonathan F Mather MPhys FInstP 360o Photography of Objects Using a Smartphone Tupel Ltd. 360° photography can add extra sensations of depth and realism. I'll talk about my efforts to simplify the process of making such images and sharing them online. I look forward to showing you the results, and the technique for making your own. Prof. Francis Ring DSc ASIS FRPS A Glimpse Into The World of Medical Imaging University of South Wales, Pontypridd In recent years many new imaging techniques have become of great value in medicine, extending the investigation and observation of the Physician and surgeon. This includes the expansion of special techniques in medical photography and whole body scanners such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. With computer technology also, colour has added new dimensions creating amazing images that would have astounded physicians a century ago. Piewen Yu A Study of Wide Colour Space For Production of Photorealistic Department of Colour Science, University of Leeds Digital Prints This project focused on printing inkjet dye-based photo-realistic images using sRGB, Adobe RGB (1998) and Prophoto RGB colour spaces. Colour measurement was undertaken on the colour panels of a GretagMacBeth® colour checker chart, following printing in the three colour spaces. In addition, equivalent multi-component test images were also printed and utilised for a standard observer test to ascertain whether a wider colour space image was deemed to be more preferable. Graham Diprose ARPS ABIPP An Alternative Approach to Conserving Digital Images London’s Found Riverscape PartnershipInto The 23rd Century While archives and individuals digitise their older photographs for wider access online, digitised data files may not survive any longer than the artefact being copied, while 'born digital' data may well have a much shorter life expectancy than a Victorian print or 1960's colour slide. We cannot predict how often digital image data will need to be migrated from one file format, or storage system, to another, nor the risk of losses from obsolescent software and media, ‘bit rot’ or human error. This presentation proposes archiving our most vital images and documents as hard copy inkjet prints, not in place of digital storage and migration, but rather as an insurance, based on well-known conservation methods, using acid free paper and pigment inks. |
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