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Over the past few months I have been organising an International PDI competition between a photo club in New Zealand and ourselves. My contact has been their current Chairperson who is a fellow Blipfoto journal user.
Conditions and dates for the challenge have now been agreed between the organisers and an independent judge. Format of this friendly competition: 1. It will be a PDI (Projected Digital Image) competition. 2. Each club will submit only 8 images. 3. Members can only submit 1 image each. 4. Host to provide independent judge. 5. The format for PDI sizing will be that of RCC (1600 x 1080 sRGB) as we can reduce images easier than enlarge them. 6. Naming convention will be: TITLE space BY space AUTHOR e.g. STREET WALKER BY ALAN GRAHAM please note the use of capitals, this has been suggested by Malcolm. We are the 'virtual hosts' this year so have arranged the judge via our welsh contact and vice chairman, Richard. This year's judge: Harry Gardiner APWF, from Tenby Camera Club in South Wales, has kindly agreed to judge the very first competition. Harry has taken photographs and had a parallel interest in art since his first Ilford Sportsman loaded with Agfa slides in 1959. He was awarded the AWPF distinction of the Welsh Photographic Federation with a panel of Slides, but loves creative photoshop work just as much as in-camera photo-reality work. He has been judging for Welsh clubs since 2002 becoming a popular judge, with five stars once a scoring system for judges was introduced there. As well as the verbal presentation he has been providing his comments as an Exel file to clubs for several years, so is sympathetic to the format for this inter-club comp. He was previously a lecturer so views judging as appreciation as well as critique. It is planned to show the images and results of the competition on Tuesday 8th March 2016 after my talk 'Death at the Garden Gate'. Unlike our friendly bash against Tonbridge we can not select everyone. We are expected to submit our 'best' which is quite a subjective task. As such I have let your scores from this season to do the selecting for me. I have collated the registered scores awarded for the purpose of our three internal competitions, PDIs, Colour and Mono, so far this season. This covers one round of all our disciplines and as it is 'open house' the scores are not biased by groupings. The following 8 members are therefore invited to enter the challenge: Peter Humphrey Alan Graham Richard Waterman Neil Hobday Chris Sawyer David Barnes Barrie Duffield Chris Nash If any of these members do not wish to take part please let me know and I'll invite the next on the list. Having been selected the choice of image is being left to each member. This is not connected with any other competition so any image that you have taken during 2015 can be submitted. We hope you will pick what you consider is your masterpiece. We are on a timetable. Important dates are as follows: The judge has requested the images in early February to allow him plenty of time. I plan to send them to him on Sunday 7th February 2016. 1. Exchange of titles and names between clubs. By Monday 1st February 2016. 2. Exchange of image files, host club to collate and get them ready for forwarding to judge using naming convention above by Friday 5th February 2016. 3. Judge scores/comments returned to both club representatives by Tuesday 1st March 2016. The judging for this ‘Open’ competition will be scored out of twenty (20). Could you please have your selection ready by mid January please. You will need to supply two versions. One at our normal sizing and one at the sizing used in New Zealand. I will add a little about Rotorua later but for now here is a link to their club website:
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Thanks Alan Weirdly, I will be in Rotorua on 8th March! Peter On 8 Dec 2015, at 14:17, Alan Graham [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Then you can go and claim our crown or hide as the case may be…
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In reply to this post by Alan Graham
My guide to Rotorua, as I see it...
I have visited Rotorua on three different occasions in 2007, 2013 and 2014. It's about 40 miles inland from the Bay of Plenty and about 1 hours drive from Hobbiton and the land of The Shire. It's population is very similar to the Orpington's electoral area. The town raps around the south-west edge of Lake Rotorua the largest of a few nearby lakes. The area is a goethermal hot spot. Steam from the geysers and hot mud pools can often be seen around town. You can be hit by the associated smell too. It's not know as Sulpher City for nothing. In the past a Giant Redwood forest was planted on the edge of town that has some lovely shaded walks. Native Man Ferns and strangely coloured pools can be found within it. The main geothermal area is Te Pula at the southern end of town. A full Maori experience precedes an up close and personal look at the earth crust at it's thinnest. The whole region has a strong bond with the Mauri people. The colonial past can be seen at Government House and park where you'd see also the native Pukeko walking about. Below are a few images I have taken during my visits, just to give you a flavour of the area. ![]() A Mauri welcome ![]() Mud bath anyone? ![]() A right geyser... ![]() Government House ![]() Pukeko ![]() Mauri carving. ![]() Redwood Forest ![]() Amongst the Redwoods. ![]() One of the many lakes. ![]() Some like the old way of living.
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In reply to this post by Alan Graham
The result to the inaugural Annual Inter Club Competition against Rotorua Camera Club of New Zealand will be announced tonight (8th March) after I have given my talk "Death at the Garden Gate".
You will get to see the 16 images that where judged by Harry Gardiner AWPF of Tenby Camera Club. At stake is overall "Winning Club/Society", "Best Image" plus certificates will be awarded to any image with 20 ("Honours") or 19 ("Highly Commended"). Please come along to see if anything comes our way... ![]()
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These images and distinctions awarded for the 2016 Inter Club Competition has been added to the website galleries. You will find them under Galleries - Inter Club - Rotorua 2016.
Here is a link. Rotorua won the overall competition with 147 points to OPS 142. Neil Hobday received 20/20 and a Honours certificate. Alan Graham LRPS won "Best Image" and also 20/20 plus a Honours certificate. Peter Humphrey APRS received 19/20 and a Highly Commended certificate. Now for next year...
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In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Thanks Alan for organising the competition and for presenting the results on our website..and congratulations on your winning image (I still can't work out how you did this). Thanks also to Richard for sourcing our judge even if he didn't think my image was amusing. Roll on next year!
Echo thanks from me.
It was interesting to see the headings used arriving at a score. It must have taken a long time even with 16 images. |
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