OPS v TCC Christmas Bash 2017 - Result

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OPS v TCC Christmas Bash 2017 - Result

OPS Notices
This year's inter-club competition with Tonbridge Camera Club ended in another defeat for ourselves. We must take heart in the fact the majority of our society are needed to compete compared with just the top 20% of their membership.

Thanks to everyone who helped out on the night, every little helps. Also a big thank you to Chris Sawyer for arranging the refreshments at the end.

The final score was:

OPS 331
TCC 350

The full lists of scores: Orpington_Tonbridge_Christmas_Bash_2017_Results.pdf
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Re: OPS v TCC Christmas Bash 2017 - Result

Chris Sawyer
I think we need a handicap system next year.  About 1 point per image will do.  We lost by 19, so 1 point per image would have given us a victory! (That's enough of the golf analogy).