OPS v Tonbridge :: 1st Dec 2015

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OPS v Tonbridge :: 1st Dec 2015

Alan Graham
This post was updated on .
Our annual friendly match with Tonbridge Camera Club is fast approaching. Last year OPS came very close to getting an away win. This year we host TCC on our club night on the 1st December.

It is hoped the home crowd will outnumber the visitors and the committee would ask everyone tries to attend. Light refreshments will be available after the judging.

The Selection Committee has picked one image from each of the following members:

Richard Waterman
Neil Hobday
Peter Humphrey
Chris Sawyer
Derek Spillman
Rod Tiejen
Malcolm Ming
David Grimwade
David Wild
Tracy Elvidge
Bob Mabberly
David Barnes
Barrie Duffield
Brian Keith
Alan Graham
Alan Parkinson
Chris Nash
Avril Blamey
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Re: OPS v Tonbridge :: 1st Dec 2015

Alan Graham
Further to the above announcement.

As hosts the drinks, snacks and mince pies will be free to the visiting team. The committee will be asking for £1 from OPS members.

Also we plan to have a raffle at the event to help supplement the Societies running costs. Please feel free to help out by buying tickets and maybe bringing along something that can be added to the prizes*.

*A good way to pass on last years raffle prizes...
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Re: OPS v Tonbridge :: 1st Dec 2015

Chris Sawyer
Tickets will go on sale tonight for the Christmas raflle.  

A list of prizes will be pinned to the notice board tonight.  Please add any additional prizes if you have any to contribute.

The raffle will be drawn after the judging of the competition with Tonbridge.

One strip of 5 tickets will cost £2 and three strips will cost £5.
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Re: OPS v Tonbridge :: 1st Dec 2015

Chris Sawyer
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Christmas Raffle last night both by buying tickets and providing prizes.  Together with our friends from Tonbridge, we raised £100 for the club's funds.

Sadly, the competition did not go our way this year (much like other years) with Tonbridge scoring 324 (18 per image) compared with our 307 (17 per image).  On a positive note we scored more 19's than Tonbridge and they were...

The Golden Nugget by Richard Waterman
Dancing in the Twilight by Neil Hobday
Evening Light by David Barnes
Looking by Alan Graham
Black Headed Gull Stealing Sand Eels from Puffin by Peter Humphrey

Well done to all of the above!