Old Cameras

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Old Cameras

Chris Sawyer
Is anyone interested in 'old cameras'?  If so, please let me know.  

Here are the details of the offer....


My sister has recently passed away, and in clearing out, I found quite a lot of cameras, a couple of them quite old. Do you have anybody in the club who collects cameras?

I am loathed to give them to charity or take them to the tip, can you help me find a home for them?

Look forward to a reply.

Kind regards.
Geraldine Knight"
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Re: Old Cameras

I have a collection of about 20 old cameras and would be happy to get in touch? 

Sent from my iPad

On 22 Nov 2020, at 16:17, Chris Sawyer [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Is anyone interested in 'old cameras'?  If so, please let me know.  

Here are the details of the offer....


My sister has recently passed away, and in clearing out, I found quite a lot of cameras, a couple of them quite old. Do you have anybody in the club who collects cameras?

I am loathed to give them to charity or take them to the tip, can you help me find a home for them?

Look forward to a reply.

Kind regards.
Geraldine Knight"

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Re: Old Cameras

Chris Sawyer
Thanks Peter - I will send you the e-mail address.