Olympus lens repair?

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Olympus lens repair?

Ian Stedman

Has anyone had an Olympus lens repaired?
Looks like my 14-42 II R lens has failed with the 'please check the status of a lens error'!

Luckily my holiday is finished, I fly back on Tuesday.
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Re: Olympus lens repair?

Richard W
Google search same internal ribbon cable replacement. Same happened to my Canon 24-105
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Re: Olympus lens repair?

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
I’ve had Canon lenses repaired at Fixation near the Oval
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Re: Olympus lens repair?

Yes I would recommend Fixation as well. They repaired my Canon L series 24 -105mm lens about five years ago.  It has been as good as new.
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Re: Olympus lens repair?

As an Olympus user I had a camera repaired with the original Olympus but little known under OM, the service then was exceptional even though it had to be sent to Portugal with return within 7 days. ( I’am sure they retained the same staff and service level)

If you have a warranty then go online for Olympus support and start the ball rolling, otherwise the nearest such as Fixation sound excellent.
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Re: Olympus lens repair?

Ian Stedman

The lens was out of warranty August last year :(
Have had a quote of £192 to fix it! Standard Olympus/OMD price is £110 + parts.
The M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 14‑42mm F3.5‑5.6 II R, has a design flaw that makes the flex go in a z action, they always fail. Have seen this happen at work.

Have found a 14-42 pancake lens, for £160, likely to go for that, will try a repair of the old lens myself, nothing to lose.